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Why This Is An Important Tier To Add To Your Neutral Defense, How It Can Easily Rattle Your Opponent,
and Change The Course Of The Match....

This system will immediately get your wrestlers more takedowns and ultimately help them win the tough matches!

Get The System To Add An Important Tier To Your Neutral Defense!
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The Secret To Developing Stingy Wrestlers
Who NEVER Give Up Easy Takedowns

Coach Weber here,

Throughout my years at Iowa and as head coach of Christiansburg High School there is something that all elite wrestlers possess…

The ability to NEVER give up easy takedowns.

Now, I’ve never coached a wrestler who hasn’t been taken down…

But the wrestlers who possess this skill will make you fight, tooth and nail, with everything you have to score those two points.

Often times leaving the wrestler who scored exhausted and looking for a second to take a break and catch their breath…

You're probably asking yourself…

“How do you teach wrestlers to never give up easy takedowns?”

And the key is...

Add tiers to their defense

The first tier should always be using your head and hands to stop shots...Or downblocking.

If they get past your head and hands and get to your legs then you need to depend on your hips to sprawl and get your legs back…

But what do you do once they’ve beaten your hips?

Have you ever watched a wrestler who appears to be impossible to takedown?

No matter how deep their opponent is on their legs they are the 3 C’s

Calm, Cool, and Collected!

They might even have a smirk on their face and it appears like they’re thinking…

“He doesn’t even know what’s about to happen”

Well, I am going to let you in on a little secret to develop this kind of unshakeable poise…

Adding Tiers To Your Defense

The Complete Funk Roll Scramble System will add another tier to neutral defense that will teach your wrestlers how to score when they’re in bad position. It will flip the table and put the pressure on your opponent, often times breaking their spirit and changing the course of the match.  Never give up an easy takedown again with this proven scramble system.

We already spoke about adding tiers to your defense but…

What do you do when your head, hands, and hips get beat and your opponent has you dead to rights?

Just when your opponent thinks he has the takedown locked up…

It’s time to turn the tides!

Coach Biscaha and I have put together The Complete Funk Roll Scramble System.

I know some people can be indifferent about funky moves and will typically say things like...

-“Coach, The Funk Roll is a waste of time...?!”

- “This is just another garbage funk move”

- “Why would I want to roll across my own back?”

So Coach Biscaha put together a quick video explaining his philosophy to the funk roll and why he thinks it’s so valuable.

Complete Funk Roll
Scramble System

No DVDs will be shipped.  All content is delivered via the membership area.

Develop Impenetrable Defense From The Neutral Position!

  • Go from being in bad position to being on the attack looking for a score of your own
  • Learn to dominate every scramble position by developing the mat savvy learned from this position
  • Protect yourself from funky wrestlers by learning the ins and outs of funky positions
  • Break your opponents spirit by taking their good position and turning it into an attack of your own
  • Learn how to score from anywhere on your feet

Get access to the 21 part complete video series that will cover:

  • Crucial Techniques for the Funk Roll
  • Practice Drills that will develop match instincts
  • Situational Wrestling Scenarios
  • and much more...

This training system is about much more than just a Funk Roll...

The techniques, practice drills, live scenarios, and bonuses will cover such areas as:

  • Getting to the Funk Roll - Learn to get to the ankles from a variety of positions and shots.
  • Finishing the Funk Roll - Learn to finish the funk roll from a variety of different positions.  Learn to take advantage of your opponents vulnerable position many times resulting in back points or even PINS!
  • Funk Roll Defense - Even if you aren’t a “funk roller” it is important to learn the position so you can defend against funky wrestlers.  The best way to defend it is to learn it first, then cover some easy defense.
  • Practice Drills - Develop match instincts while learning all of the positions of the funk roll.  Teach your wrestlers how to work off of a reaction by having partners give different looks.

The funk roll scramble system will add another tier to neutral defense that will teach your wrestlers how to score when they're in bad position. It will flip the table and put the pressure on your opponent, often times breaking their spirit and changing the coarse of the match. Never give up an easy takedown again with this proven scramble system.

Coach Devin Bischa was a 2013 Division 3 NCAA National Champion who scored a lot of points from this position, he even hit this move in the national finals. Coach Devin has coached 3 teams to state championships in Virginia and almost all of his wrestlers can hit this move and they can definitely all defend it.

21 Part Complete Video Series Includes:

  • Video #1 – Seagirt from Base
  • Video #2 – Funk Roll from Hi-C
  • Video #3 – Leg Half Work Down
  • Video #4 – Over Under Swim
  • Video #5 – Drive Over Ankle
  • Video #6 – Near Side – Seagirt
  • Video #7 – Near Side – Peterson
  • Video #8 – Far Side – Leg Over Back
  • Video #9 – Far Side – Drive Over Elevate
  • Video #10 – Far Side – Turn In & Get Under
  • Video #11 – Low Single
  • Video #12 – Low Lift
  • Video #13 – Single From Feet Dive Across
  • Video #14 – Defense – Circle Behind
  • Video #15 – Defense – Inside Hip Down
  • Video #16 – Defense – Float Hips Across & Claw
  • Video #17 – Defense – Re-funk Roll
  • Video #18 – Defense – Cradle
  • Video #19 – Scramble Drill
  • Video #20 – Easy In, Hard Out
  • Video #21 – Hard In, Easy Out
Get The System To Add An Important Tier To Your Neutral Defense!
Click Here

"Coach Weber's System Is Awesome!"

“What I like most about Coach Weber’s DVD’s is his System…  It’s PHENOMENAL!  Any little kid can do it…  It’s PERFECT!  I Suggest anyone out there that wants their kid to succeed in wrestling to check his DVDs out and give them a chance…  It’s AWESOME!”

Ryan Wudtke
Wittenburg, WI
Father of Two Youth Wrestlers

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"This Is The Best I've Seen To Date…"

"If you are serious about wrestling or coaching wrestling, Gable Trained Daryl Weber NCAA Champion, n HS Hall a Fame Coach Attack Style drill System is for you. This is the Best I seen to date, your's truly "Pete Gonzalez Training of Champions" keep after it Daryl Great job n great product keep them coming, you are impacting the sport of Wrestling in Mighty way!"
Pete Gonzalez,  Training of Champions New Jersey
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"This Is The Best I've Seen To Date…"

“I’ve always been a fan of Coach Weber, but like most people I’m also skeptical of training videos. Most show interesting but not practical technique. I finally gave in and have not been disappointed. Coach Weber’s videos are not only very practical but based on situations that are commonly found and he makes them easy to teach and drill. Outstanding video series.”
Chris Reed, Nassau Bay, TX Coach Wrestler MMA Competitor
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I Watch An Insane Amount Of Video...
Yours Is The Only Ones I Purchase!

Just wanted to let you know how much I love the videos. We are always looking to improve our skill set. I watch an insane amount of video both nationally and internationally and yours is the only ones I purchase. I love how it puts a solid system in place starting with body position and then connecting everything you teach from there. It really allows kids to master any technique once they have the core system in place. "
Andy Peterson Vandegrift HS, Austin TX

Digital Version

Yes!  Please give me immediate digital access to all the videos and downloads in this amazing program right now.

$69 Value

(Digital Only)

60 Day – 100% Money Back Guarantee if you are not satisfied. I am so confident that my products will help you or your team become better that I am will to give this no-questions-asked 100% 60 Day Guarantee.

I put a lot of pride into the material I put on the web and everything I sell has been developed in the trenches for years. My series are based of the systems I developed coaching youth and high school for over a decade and training under Dan Gable for nearly a decade, in college and international styles.

If you haven’t gotten more than your money’s worth… if you don’t feel you will see MASSIVE improvement by getting to work with my systems… just email me and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase price.

I can’t wait to hear your success story!


P.S.  If you feel like I don’t deliver on any of the promises on this page ,you can refund anything you’ve spent with me, even if it’s a buck. The fact of the matter is, I don’t think that’ll happen at all and I believe that even if you take action and pay attention to the advice you are about to receive and continue to receive, it can be a true game changer for you.
