Five “Must Have”
Non-Contact Wrestling Drills
For Those of You Wondering…
Can You Practice Wrestling By Yourself?
Yes… Be sure you are using the five proven drills and exercise routines listed below to get your athletes to the next level, even if contact is limited.
The sport of wrestling clearly requires being less-than-six-feet-apart. And in a pandemic, that makes it tough to replicate match-like intensity. But does that mean you have to sacrifice skill for safety?
On the contrary. Even during a “normal” season, a well-orchestrated non-contact drill holds extreme value – as a warm-up, a teaching tool, or low-risk conditioning when bodies are banged up.
So whether your season got shut down due to COVID-19, you’re operating under strict limited or non-contact policies, or you just want to keep your athletes fresh and fit without going live… check out these 5 non-contact wrestling drills that actually work.
#1 – Low Single Footwork
Footwork is one of those techniques that, fortunately, doesn’t require a partner to perfect. Before you get moving with some of the more fast-paced drills below, make sure you’ve dialed in the basics.
With the two-step process inside this video, you correct errors in positioning before they become habitual. Take this low single drill, adapt it to any footwork you want to focus on, and you’ve got multiple technical sessions – no contact needed.
#2 – Stance and Motion
As it’s arguably the most important position in wrestling, one of the biggest assets a young wrestler can have is athleticism within their stance. Teaching them how to bend their knees, get low, circle… and consistently move well in that position creates a huge advantage in neutral.
Use this drill every day as part of a warm-up, incorporate it into your conditioning, or use it as a stand-alone drill to instill good habits.
#3 – Hip Heist Against A Wall
Whether it’s from a stand-up with good hand control, a well-executed sit-out, or any other position with back pressure, an explosive hip heist is the quickest way to escape and get back to neutral.
All you need is a wall, some space (which you should already have at least six feet of anyway), and this drill to teach perfect hip heist technique.
#4 – Bottom Chain Wrestling Drills
No partner? No problem. Youth and high school wrestlers of any level can develop great chain wrestling instincts from bottom with this simple exercise. Flow through stand-ups, switches and re-switches, elevator rolls… or whatever else you want to work on that week.
#5 – Core Finisher
And finally, a vital element to executing the above techniques in an actual match – a strong core. Often, it gets neglected in pursuit of other skills… or other strengths. Even during “regular” contact-based practices, any program could incorporate this series at the end of their practice. But for now, let’s consider it the perfect finisher to a non-contact session.