Master the Ankle Lace (Part 2)

Part two of Mastering the Ankle Lace is going to cover one of THE most effective ways to execute this lethal hold.  If you understand the Base Position and how to transition to your lock quickly, this one hold will be hard to stop at all levels.  Attacking the leg with the 2-on-1 will allow you to force this technique on your opponent. 2-on-1 Shelf to Ankle Lace There are a variety of reactions you will see from your opponent when you 2-on-1 Shelf their leg.  In my complete series I show you how to deal with those reactions.  Click … Read More

Master the Ankle Lace (Part 1)

This is part one of a three part series on the Ankle Lace. I honestly think that the ankle lace is one of the most underrated holds in the US.  I had a very general understanding of this move until I began visiting the Olympic Training Center regularly from 1997-2000.  The one-on-one time I spent with Bruce Burnett lead to me developing a high level Ankle Lace series.  Once I nailed this series down most of my turns came from it.  I turned many US and foreign wrestlers with this Ankle Lace series. The Ankle Lace can be a lethal … Read More

5 Basic Steps To Mastering The Wrestling Gut Wrench

Typically, young wrestlers beginning to wrestle FS & GR are scared or nervous about losing due to not knowing what they are doing. If they can get the Wresting Gut Wrench offense and defense down and combine it with their Folkstyle skills they will be well prepared to get started. The five step teaching process below is effective and efficient at teaching beginning FS & GR wrestlers Gut Wrench offense and defense. When they start scoring with the Gut and stopping it their confidence in competing in FS & GR will increase significantly. Master the Wrestling Gut WrenchIn Just 5 … Read More

Youth Wrestling (Parent – Coach Conversations)

Every year wrestlers of all ages across the country take to the mat.  Whether they are a first year wrestler or going for a fourth state title one of the goals should be to have a great experience.  With all the ups and downs a wrestling season can hold a parents and coaches roll can play a tremendous part in the experience a wrestler will have this year.  I came across this article on San Diego Wrestling Parents and Coaches I encourage you to read this article and then come back a couple times  this year and re-read. Parent – … Read More

The Secret to Coaching Wrestling and Having Wrestlers Learn – Learn to Wrestle Quick by Using Systems

Importance of a System You can look all around you and see the power of using systems to achieve greatness.  Walk into any Subway, Chipotle or any chain restaurant and watch the workers flow through the system that was developed to mass produce food, customer service and massive profits.  Look to Russian and how they develop wrestlers with a system that is used in clubs across the entire country and developed by their governing body. To achieve excellence in the quickest most efficient way you must learn from an expert in a systematic fashion.   People can do it by themselves … Read More

Why Wrestle Freestyle & Greco-Roman

I am a firm believer that if you want a chance at becoming a State Champion and truly want to be prepared to wrestle in college you must wrestle Freestyle and Greco-Roman in the off-season. Should I wrestle Freestyle and Greco-Roman during the off-season? Yes!! I have been either competing or coaching in wrestling for the past 30+ years and the path to being a state champion has always been off-season training in Freestyle and/or Greco-Roman wrestling.  I grew up in Iowa following this path and when I moved to Virginia in 2000, nothing was different.  I have been head coach … Read More