Bonus 1: 5 Phase Complete Strength & Athleticism System. Safely and effectively start ANY strength and athleticism journey and progress athletes through maximum gains in areas such as: flexibility, balance, coordination, agility, endurance, strength, explosiveness...and more. This comprehensive program and be used throughout an entire athletic career, shaping absolute physique and physical fitness across all ages.
Valued at: $247.00
Bonus 2: Complete Freestyle & Greco-Roman Training Package. Develop and build off of the fundamentals with progressive techniques and drills. Outline everything from the pre-practice speech to encourage mental toughness to which exact techniques to teach at each practice. Encourage instinctive technical development with the multitude of highly-effective, easy-to-follow practice drills. From there, you'll introduce live wrestling and situational wrestling strategies.... and much more.
Valued at: $199.00
Bonus 3: Finding The Zone. Discover a Rock Solid Routine to Over Perform Every Match! Crush Negative Thoughts and Create Tunnel Vision at Will. Consume Your Mind with Positive Thoughts and Win All the Close Matches. Learn the techniques and strategies that are used by the most elite athletes in the world to reach their highest levels of performance on a consistent basis. In this program, you'll develop a step-by-step routine that will deliver you to your optimum mindset for every competition.
Valued at: $39.00
Bonus 4: Advanced Practice Planning Course. Learn how to build a technical system specific to your style and needs and apply that master plan to develop more rapidly than the competition. With this guideline, you'll .earn to train wrestlers properly, develop them quickly, avoid burnout and have them ready for the biggest competitions.
Valued at: $97.00