Everything I promised will be sent to your inbox shortly (15-20 minutes). While you wait for your free download, I want to give you more Championship Attack Style training.
Discover the True Secret to Making Huge Gains EVERY Day!
These worksheets will provide you with a framework for processing and planning your goals. Studies have repeatedly proven that those who write out their goals and the details involved in reaching them are much more successful than those who don’t. Use these tools to see where you want to go and how your going to get there.
Building confidence and mental toughness is undoubtedly the most important and elusive aspect of developing character and a winning attitude in an athlete. Here, we detail the 7 Steps used by top programs for decades not only to attract and retain athletes, but also systematically Engineer the Mental Toughness and Confidence that you consistantly see from Powerhouse Programs!
Developing Mental toughness and confidence in young athletes requires a clearly defined plan and discipline to adhere to it over time. This 17 minute video and accompanying worksheets reveal the precise steps proven to produce dedicated athletes, build confidence, and instill lasting life lessons.
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You’re getting this free Ebook - "Finding the Zone" - with just a $3.00 transfer fee, that will help you discover the secrets of top performers nutrition. Just click the order button below and take a second to fill out the order form and pay just a $3 transfer fee and I’ll send the Ebook - "Finding the Zone" out to you instantly via email.
60 Day – 100% Money Back Guarantee if you are not satisfied. I am so confident that my products will help you or your team become better that I am willi to give this no-questions-asked 100% 60 Day Guarantee.
I put a lot of pride into the material I put on the web and everything I sell has been developed in the trenches for years. My series are based of the systems I developed coaching youth and high school for over a decade and training under Dan Gable for nearly a decade, in college and international styles.
If you haven’t gotten more than your money’s worth… if you don’t feel you will see MASSIVE improvement by getting to work with my systems… just email me and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase price.
For the amount of time it has taken me to create this program and the success my wrestlers have had with it, I could and should charge an arm and a leg for these training systems. But I now how frustration it can be to have the determination to be the best but not the guidance and I want to help those that wish to dedicate themselves to this great sport.
I want to get this system in your hands so bad because I know what an impact and transformation it can have on wrestlers and teams of all skill levels. I wish I would have had access to such a detailed proven training system when I was a young wrestler or beginning coach.
If you picked up just a 10th of what's in this package it could drastically change the amount of success you or your team has in the near future. That is why I am offering this shockingly low price and free trial membership. The more success people have in this sport the more the popularity will spread.
These are all proven tactics, techniques and systems that have truly descended from the "Gable Style" and been testing with tremendous success deep in the trenches of youth and high school wrestling. There is no doubt wrestlers and teams of all levels can benefit from them. Why wait? There is virtually no risk and the success of this program speaks for itself.
You’re getting this free Ebook - "Finding the Zone" - with just a $3.00 transfer fee, that will help you discover the secrets of top performers nutrition. Just click the order button below and take a second to fill out the order form and pay just a $3 transfer fee and I’ll send the Ebook - "Finding the Zone" out to you instantly via email.
- Daryl Weber
P.S. Remember, what we are talking about here is every wrestler training to reach their highest potential. The reason Dan Gable's teams won so much wasn't because of only his superstars rather due to what he got out of ALL his wrestlers. This program will give you the technical, strength, conditioning, mental and nutritional foundation it takes to reach the highest levels in wrestling as well as get beginners started on the road to success ASAP.