Step 1: Download Your Free 10 Skills Cheat Sheet Now!

Coach Weber gets asked this question quite often. “What are the first skills you should teach a wrestler?” In this cheat sheet Coach Weber lists the 10 most important skill sets a wrestler should learn. These are also skill sets that every wrestler should review regular. Coach Weber goes over a strategy he uses to get a ton of reps in with these essential skills. Use Coach Weber’s top 10 skills sets to develop a framework for your wrestlers no matter what level they are at.

Step 2: Order The Skill Development & Drills Pack

The Skill Development & Drills Pack features over 30 drills that can be used to develop technical skills to be effective in live matches.  This is a 3 DVD set.  The first DVD is all about the basics.  Use these drills to learn how to drill.  Most youth and high school wrestlers don’t understand the finer points to becoming a great driller.  The reps you gain during your drilling session are programming you for live competition. If you are drilling with bad habits then you will wrestle with bad habits

Step 3: Order The Ultimate Wrestling System

20 + Hours of Systematized Technique Covering ALL Positions. STOP wasting time chasing every new technique or variation! Sink your teeth into a system you can have total confidence in. Most coaches waste valuable practice time teaching too many new holds or the newest variation. Good coaches and wrestlers master the basics and build from there. They focus on mastering the smaller details of proven skills and drills. Don’t get caught up in learning new moves constantly. You never get great at anything and you waste time that could be spent in more productive areas. Daryl Weber has used his system to coach wrestlers to state and national titles. He uses it every year to develop his wrestlers quicker than the competition. This system has lead to Christiansburg Wrestling’s 13 consecutive state championships. Don’t waste any more time. Get it now!!!
